Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Behavior-driven testing (BDT) support in python

Today Sidnei called my attention to Pyccuracy and Behavior-driven Testing

I decided to give it a try.

Started by repackaging the unofficial ubuntu packages I found in http://deb.gabrielfalcao.com/unstable/ in my PPA (basically, for fun).


There you can find python-pyccuracy and its dependencies (python-pyoc and python-selenium).

Install python-pyccurancy.

$ sudo apt-get install python-pyccuracy

Install the Selenium RC, if you don't have it yet, and run the server.

$ wget http://release.seleniumhq.org/selenium-remote-control/1.0.1/selenium-remote-control-1.0.1-dist.zip
$ unzip selenium-remote-control-1.0.1-dist.zip
$ java -jar selenium-remote-control-1.0.1/selenium-server-1.0.1/selenium-server.jar

Then you can use pyccuracy_console to run its own test suite which uses BDT.

$ pyccuracy_console -d /usr/share/pyccuracy/tests/acceptance/action_tests/ -p "*en-us.acc"

To be continued ...

Sunday, June 14, 2009

PPA support on `software-properties`

Based on the discussion we had at UDS, Michael Vogt, Robert Collins and I came up with a easier and non-evil way of installing Launchpad PPA in Ubuntu systems.

The approach is very simple:

detect PPA installation and automatically fetch the corresponding signing key, so the package inventory can be reloaded successfully at the end of the process.

No magic, the same look and feel ubuntu users are used to, and at the end, the job is done with no risks.

PPAs are Third-party Softwares

In this example, we will use Ubuntu Mozilla Daily PPA, so you can add:

The repository deb line listed on the PPA page:

Or simply use the supported shortcut for PPAs:


Click on Add Source and that's it, PPA and signing key enabled.

(right now the Authentication tab does not reload automatically, you have to click Restore Defaults to see the new key. I'm working on a fix).

A testing version of the package is available in my Experimental PPA (expand the source package row and install the deb file directly with gdebi, then you are safe to test the application on the same PPA)

Monday, June 8, 2009

Your firewall does not like keyserver.ubuntu.com ...

... or any other non-80 service on the web

No problem, if you can access a server which is not submitted to the same access restrictions here is one solution.

First make the service hostname to resolve as localhost in your system editing /etc/hosts so its first line looks like:

{{{    localhost keyserver.ubuntu.com


That done, you can setup an secure ad-hoc tunnel with SSH in a terminal.


ssh <username>@<server> -L 11371:keyserver.ubuntu.com:11371 -N


You can put that in a script and run it for you session OR if you like GUI apps, try installing gstm (read more).





Posted via web from cprov's posterous